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豪猪枣 [ Porcupine Date ]

Unit Price : Negotiable 
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Delivery : days after payment
Location : Malaysia Selangor
Expiry : Never
Updated : 2012-06-11
Hits : 1991
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粒装、半粒装、粉装及胶囊装。 【 Tablets, half tablets, powder loading, and capsules. 】


根据中医学上的记录, 原来中国的一些原住民也用豪猪枣来治病。 中国古典医药文献也有记载豪猪枣有治癌的功效。 豪猪枣也有化痰, 清热, 消炎和解毒功能。 手术后的病人服了豪猪枣, 手术伤口复原快及减轻痛苦。 生物学家在化验豪猪时, 发现豪猪枣有着超强的抗氧化作用, 因超强抗氧化, 而达到祛除体内的邪气, 自然把身体扶正起来, 大大促进自身的免疫功能, 达到强身的效果。如今随着医学的进步,通过研究也确认了豪猪枣在医疗上是有一定的功效与价值。它对以下一些病症有很明显的附加药用功效。

用以化解开刀后的一般副作用如消炎镇痛, 退烧, 助快速复原等。

癌症如肺癌,肝癌,乳癌,淋巴癌等。能助镇痛; 化解化疗, 电疗后的一些副作用; 化炎排毒,助使免疫细胞快速重生, 控制, 减轻病情。

能快速降热解毒, 提升血小板数量使恢复正常, 提升免疫系统使正常操作, 恢复健康。

能快速清热解病毒, 化脓消炎, 提升免疫功能助复原神速。

具有非常高效率的解毒, 排脓, 消炎, 活血, 生肌, 止痛功效。

对皮肤病, 恶疮, 肿瘤, 心血管硬化, 祛风, 心气痛,胃痛等各种病痛都有一定的疗效。

Porcupine Bezoar Medicinal Values
According to Chinese medicine records, in tradition, Porcupine Bezoar had been used as medicine by hill tribes in Southern China and South-East Asia. Old Chinese medical text had recorded the used of Porcupine Bezoar. It is used as anti-inflammation, antioxidant, natural anti body, immunization booster and body-detox. In this age, through the advancement of medicine, researches have proven that the porcupine bezoar is valuable and effective in treatment. It has been shown to complement in the treatments below:

Used in relieving post-surgery side effects such as pain, fever and also helps in healing of the wound.

Relieves the pain & infection caused by post-chemotherapy & radiotherapy side effects, clears the toxins, and helps the immune system in recovering quickly. Controls and reduces the disease.

Dengue Fever
Can speedily reduce the heat and clears the virus. Increases platelet count to normal levels. Helps strengthens the immune system for speedy recovery.

Liver Disease
Can relieve heatiness and clear toxins quickly. Clears the puss and disinfect. Helps strengthens the immue system for speedy recovery.

Infection-Related Diseases
Very effective against toxins, puss and infection. Helps in blood protection, growth of muscles and relieving pain.

Also effective for skin diseases, acne, fumor, hardening of coronary vessels. For relieving wind, heartburn, gastric and other diseases.

豪猪枣的苦味道 [ The Taste Of Porcupine Bezoar ] :
The bitterness increases as it dissolved in the mouth. It stimulates the secretion of saliva, then the bitterness becomes lighter.

[ Dosage ]
小孩份量:0.1 - 0.2 克    [ Children : 0.1 - 0.2g ]
成人份量:0.3 - 0.4 克    [ Adult : 0.3 - 0.4g ]
重病者一天服用三次;轻者一天一次。   [ Take one to three times a day, depend on individual health condition. ]

服用方法  [ Administration ] :
(一) 空腹,先喝水,然后将豪猪枣粉末含在口中缓缓吞下。
(二) 空腹,先喝水,将豪猪枣粉末倒在汤匙内加点水,以牙签搅匀即可吞服。
Dissolve the powder in the mouth directly.
 or dissolve it in a table spoon with water.
It is best to be taken with an empty stomach.

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